Commercial Hovercraft Brokering

Commercial Brokering

  • Larger machines… Costing millions. To cities with outlying rural transportation needs, (rather than build and maintain a bridge).
  • The larger rescue hovercraft — like the one used in Vancouver Canada. The goods and services transporter hovercraft in Alaska.
  • Brokering outside the U.S. to other countries for coast guard use. Resort and corporate shuttle services. This is a complex and difficult business.
  • Very expensive and many moving parts… Each country’s laws, etc. But it is wide open globally — the market is huge.

What are YOUR thoughts on this project? Share in comments below!

One Response

  1. If ever there was an industry about to explode… it’s the commercial hovercraft industry. New designs every day – Climate change and rising water – extreme weather and an obvious increase in major flooding events – The growing need for coastal security vehicles for every country in the world – All coast Guards and Miliatry uses – outlying transportation for communities that are growing on waterways. If there is any town here in Cal that would like to discuss a hovercraft for there needs… I’d be happy to share what I know. — If there is anyone who might like to get serious about brokering larger craft and partner with me.. let’s talk.

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