The California Hovercraft Race League

PROJECT: The California Hovercraft Race League

  • Hovercraft Park and the race league can work together or separately.
  • We bring in a couple used race machines… (probably from England, because the molds are available too), soup it up and then challenge all northern Cal
    to a race. If you can beat us, you win the prize. We help everyone get a machine. There’s a potential for manufacturing electric race craft as well.
  • Set up new teams in every major town thru “Meet-Up” online. We’ve talked to the northern Cal boat race groups. They’d like us to do demos at their events.
  • Then we coordinate competition events throughout the state. (And that’s just one state. 😊)

What are your thoughts on this idea? Share in comments below:

One Response

  1. This is not: “Can it be done”, or, “How to do it”. It’s simply – “Do WE Want To”…
    We bring in one race craft. Show it off at all the yacht clubs, race events and water promotions in our area.. We offer a challenge with a cash prize.
    Grow this one by putting together a hovercraft race team in every major city thru “Meet-up”. Coordinate races between the local teams then statewide.
    I’ll go in halfs on a machine with someone serious. Talk to me. You’ll get serious.. :-). I’m the consultant and partner at events. Your the pilot. — You In?

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