The California Hovercraft Rescue Pilots Association

PROJECT: The California Hovercraft Rescue Pilots Association

  • This one is needed to improve rescue services in hard to access places. It could also be designed as a network of hovercraft trained pilots to help with the growing climate change issues. Floods, draught and low water issues, thin ice recoveries, or just demos for education on snow covered golf courses.
  • There is a rescue and pilots association already operating in Canada. They are willing to share their systems and help train and direct us. We just need to build a team with a few machines in this area. These four to six passenger size craft are great for adventure cruises as well.

Consider becoming a partner.

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One Response

  1. It would be very easy to put together a hovercraft rescue team here in California. This one doesn’t have to be invented. It’s already operating very professionally in Canada. They have an entire program they run to teach this. We just need a few machines. I’ll again go “halfs” with someone – to start a team here in Sacramento. These are great for tours as well to facinating places others simply can’t go to. Very interesting for fly fishing.. 🙂

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