Hovercraft Park Franchises

PROJECT: Hovercraft Park Franchises

  • This is a marketing plan to promote hovercraft locally. Lease/option some acreage, preferably flood-prone and it must be visible from a major highway.
  • Bring in a few used/updated 2-3 place craft. Sell fun rides, give piloting classes, safety training, start a race club, a rescue club.
  • Leading to brokered sales of new and used craft from around the world. There is a manufacture of our own electric designs component with this one.
  • If the business model can be proven profitable, it could be franchised.

I love talking about this one 😉 — What are YOUR thoughts, ideas, etc.?! Leave me a comment below:

One Response

  1. It’s not that difficult to figure out how to build a hovercraft park. The trick is… how to make it profitable. Let’s talk about that. Bring our ideas together.
    The basics: Pick the right property. — You need a few acres at least. Flat… grass, water, sand, etc. Flood-prone would be great.
    It needs to be visible from a high traffic highway. Seriously. That’s your advertising. Peeps only get excited when they see them fly.
    Ride rentals, pilot classes, weekend races, craft sales – (brokering used – manufacturing new) – brokering larger craft, RC craft events.
    What else?

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